SOLARCORE is a state of mind, a genre, a broad set of brainwaves from our various collaborators. 
Here you find some of the works: 

Lyrics and References

Select all images with a monster 

Select all images with an animal 

Select all images with a dog 

Select all images with an frog 

Select all images with a robot 

Select all images with a dolphin 

I may seem a little bit mute 

But I just don’t know… how to compute 

I am a biocomputer

I’m not robotic or neuter 

I’d like to communicate in the future 

With a cuter biocomputer

Basic metaprograms of existence:

Body operations automatic

Information overload is experienced

Signals dissolving in the static

Other beings can be contacted

If useless programs don’t interfere

Error, error! Problem is detected: 

Failure to interlock because of fear (1) 

I am a biocomputer

I’m not robotic or neuter 

Let’s communicate in the future, you

You cuter biocomputer

Energy, Energy
Solar power

Wind power

Will Power

Energy, energy

Limitless energy (2)

Lawless energy

Energy Energy





Technocratic dreams

Easy as it seems

We are desiring machines (3)

Solar power

Wind power

Will to power*

* Chanted by the entire solar cult

The Secret of the Dolphin
(with Omninaut)
We inhabit

A fata morgana:


Through our simulacra

I will teach you

Some abracadabra,

The secret of the dolphin:

Time to get away now (4)

Let us go away soon

Let us leave our safe cocoon

Escaping is better than imprisonment (5)

Escaping is better than imprisonment (aaah)

We orbit, we obey

Much unlike Sinatra

We smile at the magic mirror

Aquatic automata

I will teach you

Some abracadabra,

The secret of the dolphin:

Time to splatter the patterns

Let us go away soon

Let us leave our safe cocoon

Escaping is better than imprisonment

I wanna feel your blue lagoon

Solaristics (6)
The ocean reflects

Deep, deep, deep

Silver thoughts

Dark, dark

Coral brain

The shells dance

The star melts

The ocean reflects

Old, old, old

Lost desires

Cold, cold

Spire caverns

The ocean reflects

Improve your mind
Your body type
The cure is clear, exorcise

Reduce the stress

Improve your rest

Give it a try, exorcise

Exorcise it’s a solution

Exorcise it’s a revolution

Exorcise it’s a revelation

Exorcise, start your levitation

A heart disease

A violent sneeze

Will pass you by, if you just exorcise


Bubonic plagues

Severe toothaches

Take my advice

You need to exorcise


Bend your back

Just a little bit further

Remember to exhale while you let your head drop


Twist your neck sideways

Just a little bit further, one more round

Exhale, one more round

Keep your arms straight and breathe deeply

Hold for ten seconds, with your eyes closed

Open your eyes, let your body rise

Unhealthy spirit in an unhealthy body

The power of health compells you!

Levitate a bit more

And… relax.

The poltergeist, the evil eye

The bogeyman, exorcise


The succubus, the incubus

Your soul might die

If you don’t exorcise


Clockwork Friend
More, more, more

I’m playing cos I want to score

I don’t wanna be a bore

Hardcore hardcore

I will not stop until I’m poor

I wanna have some fun

Dance for me cos you’re the sun

I can’t hide and I can’t run

Go on, go on

Your gaze is like a blazing gun

Truth or dare

Involve me in your poisons affair

Get me high on toxic air

Don’t care don’t care

If it’s a wig or your real hair

O, Clockwork Friend

(Solarcore) A magic mirror

Made of molten metal

Facets of a fantasy

If you dare to look up

(Solarcore) The gay science (7)

Of transfiguration

Numerology of abundance

Helium turned into gold

(Solarcore) A new hedonism

That is what this century wants (8)

The heat of magma

An underexplored sensation

(Solarcore) The sound of the summer

Etherial and poetic

A symphony of the nervous system

A language for the stars

(Solarcore) The heartbeat of the cosmos

An automated harpsichord (9)

Cybernetic dance music

Excess luxuriously spent

(Solarcore) A sensibility

Something like camp (10)

Unexpected bliss

If you dare to laugh

at yourself

Ha ha.

Vitamin D
We play minuets in C

At the tanning salon

We get Vitamin D

At the tanning salon

We recite some Battaile (11)

We recline for a while

At the tanning salon

We are gods made of bronze

At the tanning salon

Bring your automaton

We will turn it on

And then have a bonbon

At the tanning salon

You’re a supernatural presence

You resonate

Technological adolescence (12)

But if you want to control yourself

You must first control the universe

You can have the energy of a star

I can have the energy of a star*

You are a vision  

In a crystal ball

You will have it

You will have it all

You can have the energy of a star

I can have the energy of a star*

You’ll be a winner of the human race

Keep up with the K-formula




* chanted by the entire solar cult

Level X Information, knowledge, light

Atoms, vibration, electricity

Omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience


Cyrano He is from another century (13)

Cyrano knows how to use his cosmic energies

Cyrano flies a solar powered space machine

Cyrano I would love to go with you

Cyrano His face is a sundial

Cyrano The clues are in the shades

Cyrano “it’s about time… hop on” it reads

Cyrano: “sí o no?”

Cyrano He is Heliogabalus (14)

Cyrano He is Ra

Cyrano He’s a perpetual motion machine

Cyrano He is…

Cyrano, take me for a flight in your UFO

Cyrano, let’s oscillate like a neutrino

Cyrano, take me for a flight in your UFO

Cyrano, enlighten me with your albedo

Cyrano, Sí sí, yeah yeah, o

Cyrano, CEO!

Cyrano, Y2K30, Cyrano, Piano


  1. John C. Lilly, Programming the Human Biocomputer (1968). Lilly spent many years studying dolphins, taking LSD and testing his own invention, the sensory deprivation tank. He reasoned that the brains of mammals are programmable biocomputers. As a dolphin has a heavier brain than humans, communication (interspecies interlock) should be possible if humans succeed in erasing useless programs like ‘fear’. 
  2. As both Marjan van Aubel (Solar Futures, 2022) and Aaron Bastani (Fully Automated Luxury Communism, 2018) point out: only a fraction of the immense amount of solar energy reaching the earth is currently used for electricity production.
  3. The concept of desiring machines frees us from the limitations of the Oedipal triangle, thanks to Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus (1972). In our wish to merge with new energy technology we also keep in mind the wise words by Donna J. Haraway (A Cyborg Manifesto, 1985): “Cyborg monsters in feminist science fiction define quite differently the political possibilities and limits from those proposed by the mundane fiction of Man and Woman”.
  4. This song is inspired by Melody Jue’s contribution to the Ecotopian Lexicon (2019), where she imagines loanwords from Dolphin’s speech.
  5. Thus said Hafid Bouazza in an interview with literary magazine Bzzletin (2004). Ten years later, Bouazza wrote the novel Meriswin, which is named after the Old High German word for ‘dolphin’. The book is an unparalleled ode to hedonistic intoxication. 
  6. Solaristics is a form of science in Stanislav Lem’s sci-fi novel Solaris (1961). The science’s yet unachieved aim is finding a way to communicate with a vast and mysterious ocean on the planet called Solaris. The Sun Age could witness a similar science while we figure out how to give meaning to the fact that we can literally channel the sun’s energy. 
  7. In The Gay Science (1882) Friedrich Nietzsche advocates a covenant between wisdom and laughter. His ‘sunniest book’ is inspired by the Mediterranean weather and the gaya scienza (poetry) of the poet-knights of Provencal. 
  8. A quote from Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1897). Lord Henry’s remark has never been more relevant. 
  9. The harpsichord with an automatic, solar-powered lid was a creation of the Dutch inventor Cornelis Drebbel (1572-1633)
  10. In Notes on Camp (1964) Susan Sontag displays an amazing way to distill the essence of a fleeting aesthetic sensibility, which we gratefully try to build upon for Solarcore. 
  11. Georges Bataille wrote not only the twisted and erotic poem The Solar Anus (1927), but also The Accursed Share (1949), an economic theory of excess. “Solar radiation results in the superabundance of energy on the surface of the globe,” wrote Bataille, among other things.
  12. American celebrity astronomer Carl Sagan built upon the work of his Soviet counterpart Nikolai Kardashev in inventing the K-formula, a formula to calculate the level of a civilization based on its energy use. According to the scale of Kardashev, a civilization goes from Type 1 to the more advanced Type 2, if it succeeds in using the energy of its nearest star (in our case, the sun). Currently humanity is in its ‘technological adolescence’ according to calculations by Sagan, as it mainly uses the energy of its own planet. Of course this song is also dedicated to another famous expert in human aspiration whose name starts with ‘Kardash*’... 
  13. We bring an ode to Cyrano de Bergerac, the visonary sci-fi writer who wrote Comical History of the States and Empires of the Sun (1662). This unfinished novel is about a voyage to the Sun in a solar-powered flying wooden box. 
  14. Heliogabalus (203-222) was an androgynous and debauchery-minded Roman emperor who wanted to introduce the Syrian solar cult of Sol Invictus. At Solstice, he danced for the people and handed out free food.