
Nice-looking and special download & print edition of the mini-album released in 2023.

Become a Member of Kardash* Solar Society, by buying this package!
You get a folded A3 poster (see first picture), plus a Membership booklet of 12 pages in Riso-Print
(see second picture) dedicated to the Sun God Kardash*,
designed by Cyanne van den Houten, and a download code for the 2 tracks from Bandcamp.

1. Energy, Energy 03:15
2. K-formula         03:22

Big Hare are Luuk ‘Luuk Dolfijn’ Ottenhof – drums, voice, concepts, synths – and
Tim ‘Autofrahn’ Fraanje – words, voice, concepts, synths

SOLARCORE builds upon Solarpunk. ‘Punk’ is its shadow, its dark corner.
SOLARCORE is the bright center. It transforms nihilists into optimists,
the ‘no future’ slogan transforms into ‘yes, future’, mercury into gold.

SOLARCORE is a space in which we are freed of temporal and material concerns.
We manifest a future in which the sun powers our dreams with its unlimited energy.
SOLARCORE is abundant, golden, lavish, hot, radiating, happy, glamorous, nerdy, desirable, sensual, philosophical, individualist, apolitical, cosmopolitan, beautiful, wild, trance-inducing and mystical.
We are all children of the sun.
– Big Hare

order via Underbelly